BÜHNEN in the TOP 5 employers in Bremen

As T-Online reported, the top employers in Bremen were rated. In the category of small and medium-sized companies, (SMEs), BÜHNEN made it to 5th place with a kununu rating  of 4.1 (current value even 4.2).

Since 2013, BÜHNEN has been present on the kununu rating platform, the basis for this award. Since 2022, kununu has been awarding the “Top Company Award” to companies with particularly good ratings. We are proud to be one of these employers and to have received this award.  

To receive the Top Company Award, companies must meet certain criteria. A score of at least 3.8 stars, at least seven ratings in total and at least two ratings within the last 12 months are required. Only 5 per cent of companies qualify, which makes the award all the more significant. With a score of 4.2 stars, 51 ratings and a recommendation rate of 79 percent, we are delighted to be one of these award-winning companies.  

For us, this award confirms our commitment to the satisfaction and well-being of our employees. We value feedback – even critical feedback – and are actively committed to creating a working environment that inspires, encourages and continuously develops.

In order to regularly record the wishes and needs of our employees, we conduct internal employee surveys every year. These are anonymised so that concerns can also be addressed outside of the usual annual interview.

The numerous benefits – such as company (e-)bicycles, fitness offers, professional work clothing, charging stations for e-cars, joint events and many more – contribute to satisfaction. But critical feedback does not go unheard: the management’s doors are always open.

Since the introduction of the informal form of addressing „Du“ in 2021, it has been even easier to exchange feedback in a friendly setting and to maintain an open culture of conversation. We are motivated to remain a top employer in the future.

Tim Charzinski

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