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Ročna palica HB 950 za linijski nanos


Prednosti in značilnosti opreme

Ročna pištola sledi vsakemu vašemu premiku, ne da bi se cev zasukala.

  • Primerna je za ogrevane cevi tipa KS
  • Varno upravljanje z eno roko
  • Brez vlečenja cevi za sabo
  • Izmenljivi moduli in šobe

Tehnični podatki

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Working with the HB 950 is ideal if the hot-melt adhesive is applied from above. By hanging the hand gun on a balancer, you can work in a way that is gentle on the muscles and tendons. The safety and protection of the user are ensured by the insulation of the handle, which also does not transport any adhesive.

A 1.2 mm bead nozzle is pre-assembled. The standard version has a PT100 temperature sensor, others are available on request.

Article number Designation Nozzle Sensor
WCH1186 HB 910 Bead Nozzle Ø 1.2 mm PT100
WCH1185 HB 910 Bead Nozzle Ø 1.2 mm Ni120
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