First aid measures in the case of burns from hot glue

    Kühlen bei Verbrennungen
  1. Avoid skin contact:
    » Avoid touching the hot glue. The instinctive attempt to immediately peel off the glue often results in the glue spreading further onto the skin and potentially causing larger burns.

  2. Immediate cooling:
    » Immediately hold the burnt area under lukewarm, running water for at least 10-15 minutes. This will reduce the heat and soothe the skin.  
    » Do not use cold or ice cold water, as this can cause further damage to the skin.

  3. Do not use ice or a cold pack:
    » Do not use ice or very cold water, as this can cause further damage to the skin. Lukewarm water is more suitable for cooling. 

  4. Removing adhesive residueKlebstoff enfernen:
    » Only remove adhesive residue if it comes off easily. Do not attempt to remove the adhesive by force. If the adhesive is firmly stuck to the skin, seek medical advice.

  5. Covering the injury:
    » After the adhesive has hardened, cover the burnt area with a clean, non-stick bandage or cloth to prevent infection. 
    » Change the bandage regularly and watch for any signs of infection.

  6. Medical attention:
    » Seek medical help, especially if the burn is extensive, blisters, or if there are significant changes to the skin.
    » Blisters are second-degree burns that are very painful but also heal completely.
    Verband anlegen» Second-degree burns can occur if the nozzle of the hot glue gun touches the skin for several seconds or if the hot glue sticks to the skin for a longer period. However, the glue drops usually cool down quickly.

Additional tips for those affected

  1. Pain management:
    » If the pain is severe, over-the-counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol can be taken to relieve the symptoms. Follow the dosage instructions and consult a doctor if you are unsure.

  2. Aftercare:
    » Observe the burnt area over the next few days for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, pus or persistent pain.
    » Avoid opening the blisters, as this increases the risk of infection.

  3. Long-term skin care:Salben für Verbrennungen
    » Once the burn has healed, moisturise the skin with moisturising creams or lotions to minimise dryness and scarring.
    » Protect the affected area of skin from direct sunlight to prevent hyperpigmentation.

  4. Prevention:
    » Always wear protective gloves when working with a hot glue gun and ensure that the work surface is kept safe and free of flammable material.
    » Keep the hot glue gun away from children and make sure to store it away safely after use.